Punched card readers

From: Mark Green <mark_at_cs.ualberta.ca>
Date: Fri Jun 22 10:57:27 2001

> > Does anyone know where to find a punched card reader
> > these days? I'm looking for a small desktop unit that
> > I could interface to a PC.
> In the 1976-1978 timeframe my high school leased a desktop reader made
> by H-P which would read either mark-sense or punched cards, and output
> serial data. It was hooked up in tandem with an ASR33 Teletype for
> access to a TOPS-10 timesharing system (BOCES NCODE on Long Island).
> It made a goose like "honk" each time it read a card.

I remember those, we had one on an HP2100. They were very nice
when they were working. They needed to re-aligned every few
months. Ours got very heavy usage in a University laboratory.
I believe ours had a parallel interface, but I suspect they
had several interfaces to the same mechanism.

Dr. Mark Green                                 mark_at_cs.ualberta.ca
McCalla Professor                              (780) 492-4584
Department of Computing Science                (780) 492-1071 (FAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Canada
Received on Fri Jun 22 2001 - 10:57:27 BST

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