MS-DOS version (was: What's best to do?? classically speaking

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Fri Jun 22 13:30:52 2001

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Cini, Richard wrote:
> DOS5 != DOS6 differences:
> SmartDrive disk cache
Doesn't count. It was a seperate product that came with Windoze 3.10 well
before 6.00 (and no choice whether to use it) Smartdrive caused MAJOR
problems, which the drive compression got blamed for.

> Boot menus
THAT was fun

> "Large disk" support in FDISK
IIRC, there were some changes in some of the partition types, but the 32M
ended with 3.30, everything 3.31 and on permitted large drives.

> Drive compression
Had a few problems, but MOST of the problems that it got blamed for were
actually the fault of SMARTDRV! It was a third party program (from
Vertisoft after the STAC deal fell through), but there were significant
mods to the OS itself to integrate it.

> That's what I can come up with without looking. How far off am I?
Very good.

There was also SETVER that let the OS lie about its age.

Grumpy Ol' Fred
Received on Fri Jun 22 2001 - 13:30:52 BST

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