On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Cini, Richard wrote:
> DOS5 != DOS6 differences:
> SmartDrive disk cache
Doesn't count. It was a seperate product that came with Windoze 3.10 well
before 6.00 (and no choice whether to use it) Smartdrive caused MAJOR
problems, which the drive compression got blamed for.
> Boot menus
THAT was fun
> "Large disk" support in FDISK
IIRC, there were some changes in some of the partition types, but the 32M
ended with 3.30, everything 3.31 and on permitted large drives.
> Drive compression
Had a few problems, but MOST of the problems that it got blamed for were
actually the fault of SMARTDRV! It was a third party program (from
Vertisoft after the STAC deal fell through), but there were significant
mods to the OS itself to integrate it.
> That's what I can come up with without looking. How far off am I?
Very good.
There was also SETVER that let the OS lie about its age.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Fri Jun 22 2001 - 13:30:52 BST