--- Bill Bradford <mrbill_at_mrbill.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 01:43:14PM -0700, healyzh_at_aracnet.com wrote:
> > Please don't scan them at such a low resolution! 300dpi works pretty good.
> > I'd really recommend going out and buying Adobe Acrobat itself. I bought
> V5
> > and am very happy with it.
> 100dpi seems to be the best resolution that I've seen for a tradeoff between
> readability and file size.
OK... now print them. How does _that_ look? I have to recommend scanning
at 300 dpi and who cares about file size. CD-ROMs are cheap.
> This is text and line drawings... for finer stuff, I'll use a higher
> resolution,
> of course.
Wouldn't it be better to have it be a) consistent, and b) legible when
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Received on Fri Jun 22 2001 - 17:34:42 BST