Looking for info - En-link Ethernet card for the Apple II

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 13:25:54 2001

>Washed his hands of the whole thing - sold all of his Apple equipment
>and destroyed all of the software he was developing.
>Turley is still Turley, though the main enemy now is Quantum_Cat - this
>guy makes Mates and his rants look tame...

It is still very possible to ask a question and get an answer without
rolling in the mud over some ancient politics.

I very seriously plan to write more Apple II software. Its been a few years
(decades), but writing for the 6502 was a lot of fun, and just maybe I
could do a couple usefull things.

Can't say that I am at all excited about buying some expensive ethernet
card though, localtalk is fine with me.
Received on Tue Jun 26 2001 - 13:25:54 BST

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