Whats a reasonable collection?

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Thu Jun 28 05:58:36 2001

> On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> > Not many know this, but Chuck Peddle, who designed MCA, also gave it
> > legs to run up to 100MHz. However, I don't think IBM ever implemented
> > an MAC bus at that speed.
> Wow, I didn't know Peddle designed MCA. What else did he do
> (besides the 6502 and the PET)?

As I said in another post, I could have this wrong, but the
name of the MCA designer was for certain a very familiar name
to me... and I don't hob-nob with engineers that much (just
don't know any).

Well, Gordon Bell and I have been swapping e-mails, but I
wouldn't claim to *know* him.

Received on Thu Jun 28 2001 - 05:58:36 BST

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