On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Wayne M. Smith wrote:
> The book "Computer Power for the Small Business" by Sippl/Dahl (1979)
> profiles the Datapoint 1500. The 1500 looks a lot like the 1550 you
> have, except that the keyboard and CPU/display are separate units.
> Storage is in a separate dual side-by-side floppy drive. According to
> my specs, the 1500 came with 32K of memory and sold for $5,950.
> Datapoint was HQ'd in San Antonio, TX.
Ah, I have a couple copies of that book. Thanks for posting the info.
I actually have a whole truckload of Datapoint computers, terminals, disk
and tape drives. I got them from a guy who used to be a Datapoint VAR.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Fri Jun 29 2001 - 22:36:48 BST