Popular Computing on eBay for $150+

From: Paul Braun <nerdware_at_laidbak.com>
Date: Thu Mar 1 23:49:28 2001

Damn. That's it. I'm definitely going to bed now. I know better than
to try and be intelligent at this hour, yet I went ahead and tried

Len Feldman? Where the hell did THAT come from? He's the guy
from Stereo Review.......

I meant Les Solomon.

I give up. Time for a small bowl of Phish Food and my jammies.

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions

"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."
Received on Thu Mar 01 2001 - 23:49:28 GMT

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