Need docs on Dataproducts Typhoon 20 printer

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Sat Mar 10 07:27:27 2001

While the printer isn't 10 yrs old it is semi-obsolete by industry standards
for commercial machines. I have obtained a Dataproducts Typhoon 20 in great
condition and need documentation for it and Dataproducts has none on their
site. They do have software but the Win98SE drivers are actually better.

The printer is essentially the same as a Xerox 4520/4520mp or a Compaq
PageMarq 20 with differences being mostly in the electronics (logic board).
Otherwise all three printers are same-o, same-o.

If anyone has a manual they don't need and want to sell/trade for or know of
an electronic copy somewhere I could download it would be appreciated.
Received on Sat Mar 10 2001 - 07:27:27 GMT

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