--- Russ Blakeman <rhblake_at_bigfoot.com> wrote:
> There's a couple AAUI transceivers for the PowerMac on ebay right now.
I don't mean to be rude, but please re-read the following...
> => (I'm looking to find one *without* resorting to eOverPay)
I saw plenty on eBay. I only looked there to get an idea of what the
used market looked like on them. As I said, I found genuine vendors
with $10 units (two for $18 plus $4 shipping total) which beats the
"buy it now" for $15 plus $5 shipping that's on eBay or the long, drawn
out wait for auctions to end, etc.
I am not an eBay shopper. I have participated in a couple of auctions. The
prices always grew to higher than I cared to pay and I have never won one.
As a result, I don't even bother anymore.
I figured I'd ask here because I could find someone with a box of them
gathering dust and strike a deal. Worst case, I drop $22 on a pair and
be done with it, no auction necessary.
Even though my old e-mail address is no longer going to
vanish, please note my new public address: erd_at_iname.com
The original webpage address is still going away. The
permanent home is:
http://ohio.voyager.net/ for details.
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Received on Mon Mar 12 2001 - 13:03:57 GMT