Two points.
First, "a piece" of yellow cable won't work. The lengths were part of the
spec and very important. Having to do with reflections and such (anybody
here still have a TDR??)
Second, The cable is marked with black stripes. The taps must go on these
stripes. While I have known people who put the transcievers with the N
type connectors between yellow segments and on the ends of yellow segments,
I have never known seen it recommended that you could/should cut the cable
to insert one of these. I fear that after one or two of them, you would
move the spacing between tap locations enough to adversely effect your
This is, of course, assuming a production network and not two machines.
But then. if all you had were two or three machines, a couple hundred
feet of yellow cable seems pretty silly.
I need to run up to the attic to look, but I think I have a spool of
yellow cable up there that has never been used. It is free to anyone
willing to pick it up. Of course, PDP-11 hardware donations are never
Alright, alright, curiosity got the best of me. I just got back down
from the attic.
I have:
One spool of yellow cable.
One 3Com tap with N connectors on each end.
Two complete brand new transcievers with vampire taps.
One blue AUI cable that's the longest I have ever seen. :-)
I also think I could come up with maybe a half dozen of the more
common AUI cables.
So, can we start a bidding frenzy?? Anybody want to bid a QBUS SCSI
module?? :-)
Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton |
Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include <std.disclaimer.h>
Received on Fri Mar 23 2001 - 16:42:32 GMT