Here is a link that will give you just about everything you need to
know about the NVRAM. Also I remember there was a patch for older SUN's
using Linux but it sounds like your battery is just dead.
Mike Kenzie wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Roth" <broth_at_heathers.stdio.com>
> To: "Classic Computer" <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 6:47 PM
> Subject: Sparcstation prom passwords
> > I found a really easy way to get past the prom passwords
> in the NVRAM
> > in SUN sparcstations. I have tried it on a Sparc LX,IPX,
> and IPC and I
> > really think it should work on any model.
> >
> > If there is a well known fix, disregard. After much
> searching the web
> > on this, all I ever found was "replace NVRAM chip"
> >
> > I will post the procedure here if anyone is interested.
> My Sparc 1+ currently fails when booting linux. I get this
> message:
> IDPROM: unknown format type!
> program terminating
> Is there a way to by pass the PROM?
> The current PROM is a 525-1107-04 Can other sparc PROMS be
> used as a replacement?
> A note of success, my latest Apple ][ plus seems to have a
> z80 card inside and the previous owner has also added the
> extra ram, and internal fan and a RF converter for TV. IT
> still has the original packaging and the game paddles.
Received on Thu Mar 29 2001 - 19:45:22 BST