mmm. phosphor-bronze wires. Um... Some kinds of guitar strings are
supposedly made, or more likely wound in this. Would that work for a
cats whisker?
> Upon the date 12:24 PM 3/28/01 -0500, R. D. Davis said something like:
> >On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> >> I have printed instructions on how to build one, down to how to cut a
> section
> >> of pipe/conduit with ears to screw it down to the block of wood that you use
> >> as the base. Anyone know where to get a hunk of crystal these days? I
> have
> >[...]
> >
> >My crystal radio used a germanium diode as well - it was one of those
> >Radio Shack kits back in the 1970's.... still have it somewhere.
> >Anyway, if you want to start from scratch at building one, crystals
> >are probably plentiful at the various "new age" & crafts shops. Last
> >time I checked, there were a few places still selling real "cats
> >whiskers" (no - you don't catch the neighbor's cat to get one of these
> >- that won't work). Did you try Antique Radio Supply? Several years
> >ago, they had catswhiskers listed in their catalog. Alas, they don't
> >appeart have a functional web site at this time.
> Website still works, R.D. I just ordered some parts today to finish
> restoring a friend's '49 Ford radio.
> Regards, Chris
> -- --
> Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
> Jamestown, NY USA
> Member of Antique Wireless Association
> URL:
Jim Strickland
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Received on Sat Mar 31 2001 - 22:25:25 BST