Storageworks SBB Cases

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Tue May 1 19:56:40 2001

> > I did not have to do anything special with my KZPSA cards (except
> > switch one to ID 6 so I could SCSI cluster the systems).
> Odd. Do you happen to know what version of the firmware you're running? Is
> it the lastest, or an old version. It looks like my problem is the version
> of PWS firmware I've got.

I loaded the latest version of the firmware available from
the website. I updated the systems when I bought them.

> > The Intraserver card has a bug with systems with a Pyxis chipset
> > that requires a special patched driver. So my long-term plan is to
> > buy a DS10 and use the Intraserver card there.
> Ah. :^( Well, I'm glad to find that out before going out and spending $300
> for the card.

Well, the patched driver does work, but every time a SCSI patch is
released there's a new version of PKW$DRIVER, and the fixes in the
Intraserver patched version aren't in there, so you'd have to get
an updated patched version each time (if available). I decided I
didn't want this headache.

> Sounds about like me, though I've currently still got the Elsa Gloria in the
> machine, but am using my Mac as the display. I've tried a ZLXp-L1 and it
> refuses to boot as it has an unknown device in it.

That sounds like an out-of-date firmware issue on the PWS, or
you need to move the card to a different slot.

> That sucks about the Oxygen card, I'd been considering that one. Any idea
> how well the Oxygen card would work in a DS10? Be nice if DS10's would
> start hitting the used market :^)

The VX1 is supposed to work quite well on a DS10. I'm waiting for
the DS10 boxes to drop. Right now the cheapest I've found is about
$3400, but that's with memory, drives, etc. loaded. Noone seems to
sell a stripped DS10.

> > Are you willing to sell the old /73 board? I'd rather have a slow /73
> > than none at all.
> I'm afriad you missed my point. That and some other stuff were part of a
> deal that got me the Quad-Hieght /73 CPU.

Yes, I did miss that point.
Eric Dittman
Received on Tue May 01 2001 - 19:56:40 BST

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