RS/6000 Questions and items rescued from a skip
Mark Nias wrote:
> There's a label on the front: 7013 26-0111
> and one on the back saying: "This machine upgraded to General Availability
> level on 04/10/91"
> If anyone has any details on this can you please contact me!
I've got two of these machines, one is unning AIX 4.3.2 while the second
lacks its RAM; quite nice even if a bit slow. The CD is quite a PITA; not
really standard as most IBM things.
What type of info do you need? On the IBM web site there are PDF copies
of the "Installation and Service Guide" and the "Operator Guide".
Enrico Badella email:
Soft*Star srl
InterNetworking Specialists tel: +39-011-746092
Via Camburzano 9 fax: +39-011-746487
10143 Torino, Italy
Wanted, for hobbyist use, any type of PDP and microVAX hardware,software,
manuals,schematics,etc. and DEC-10 docs or manuals
Received on Wed May 02 2001 - 11:43:13 BST
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