HD for NeXT recommendations?

From: Jeff Hellige <jhellige_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Thu May 3 15:31:47 2001

>This can only describe the Seagate ST51080N. 1 GB Medalist SL. I have one
>in my NeXTstation, and a few others in other machines.

        I used to have a ST51080N in my NeXTstation but removed it
when it refused to boot unless there was an external drive attached
to the system. I may have had it jumpered wrong though. It's a nice
drive, very slim. I was wrong about what I currently have in it...I
just powered it up and it has an IBM DPES-31080 1gig installed. Also
a nice drive, though it's a bit taller but still fits. It also seems
fairly common in some of the PowerMac's such as the 8500. There
weren't any problems installing the IBM drive in the NeXT and
installing NS 3.3 and it boots right up.

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Received on Thu May 03 2001 - 15:31:47 BST

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