On Wed, 2 May 2001, Billy D'Augustine wrote:
> Got an interesting mail from a fellow who has a "PMC MicroMate" CP/M
> computer, and was wondering about it. The specs are neat - it's a fast
> Z80 (4MHz), but has 128k of RAM (so I guess it's CP/M-Plus, or a
> heavily modified version of 2.2), an internal 400k floppy and some
> sort of interface for three external drives. Am asking for details on
> the external drive interface. The machine doesn't sound familiar to
> me, but it sounds like a neat little thing - it's just a boxen, you
> need a TTY.
It?s a nice little compact CP/M box. It should actually have a 5.25"
floppy, not a 400K 3.5". I have one sans floppy drive.
Grab it if you like small, compact, shoebox-sized CP/M machines.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Fri May 04 2001 - 10:43:46 BST