At 02:18 AM 5/4/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone know how many transistors made up the 6502? These days with
>Intel's boasting of the number of transistors their latest processors use,
>it'd be interesting to know what we used to get by using. What, it can't
>have been more than a few thousand, right?
Wow -- such a long thread, and no answer yet that I've seen. The following
came from a few web sites, but mostly from these two:
4004 -- 2,300 (10 um)
8008 -- 3,500 (10 um)
8080 -- 6,000 (6 um)
z80 -- 8,500
6502 -- 4,000 one source, 9000 another source (I tend to believe the 4K
number more)
8086 -- 29,000 (3 um)
68000 -- 68,000 (lots of that in microcode)
80286 -- 134,000 (1.5 um)
80386 -- 275,000 (1 um)
Jim Battle ==
Received on Sat May 05 2001 - 01:57:35 BST