I lived a couple years in Plattsburgh NY, "aboot" 40 miles from Montreal and
on top of the stereotypical ENglish Candian accent we also had the French
trapper sort of accent, real mess on top of the Vermont yankee accent across
the lake.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of Tim Harrison
> Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 7:02 PM
> To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: Re: Interesting show on the Computer Garage
> Bryan Pope wrote:
> > Canuk = Canadian, eh!
> Well, to be more accurate, a "canuck" is a term for a Canadian. :)
> > <rant>
> > Americans!! grrr... next thing you will be asking "How is your
> igloo these
> > days?"
> > </rant>
> You can't imagine how often I get this. Or, how often the people around
> me start to chuckle when I say "about", or "house", or the occasional
> "eh". If anyone taped the "Talking To Americans" Rick Mercer special,
> please let me know! I'm dying to watch it. I heard part of it over the
> telephone while talking to my father, but I want my wife to see it.
> I keep telling people that Canadians say "eh" at the end of statements,
> as a way of inviting comments and furthering the conversation, whereas
> Americans, who say "huh" are asserting their viewpoint, and expect no
> further discussion on the subject.
> (How's that for a run-on sentence, eh?)
> > Bryan
> > <displaced Canadian>
> You and me both. Everywhere from London through to Sault Ste. Marie has
> been home. Now, I'm living (again) with my American wife in New York.
> Computing-wise, living in either country hasn't been a problem. When we
> moved back to Toronto, I just shipped things across the border. Now we
> have one less step in acquiring stuff, even though, I'm about to do a
> massive paring down of the collective. I need the space back, and I've
> gotten the "I never had any toys when I was young, and now I can have
> everything!" phase out of my system. Time to focus on the few machines
> that I really want.
> --
> Tim Harrison
> Network Engineer
> harrison_at_timharrison.com
> http://www.networklevel.com/
Received on Sat May 05 2001 - 19:21:21 BST