Excellent response. I've watched Hockey most of my life but never knew what the
%#$% a hab was. I'll have my daughter read this as she is a huge Canadien's fan.
Now next question...
Whats a Hoser?
Just kidding.
I live 1 1/2 hours from Toronto and love going by car or boat. Great city but
there are three numbers that would keep me from living there.
4 0 1
You guys are drowning in cars.
On Sun, 06 May 2001, you wrote:
> Brian Roth wrote:
> > Didn't really mean anything by it. I live 10 min from the border. I'm well
> > familiar with the term, I was just wondering if it had a real meaning besides
> > slang.
> http://ntas.nscc.sccd.ctc.edu/chaseplace/claslink/Canuck..htm (yes
> there's a double dot in there).
> I'm not sure which opinion I support in that, but I'm more inclined to
> go with the "quelle canule" as the original statement that started it
> all.
> > OK, next question. Whats a Hab?
> "Hab" is a reference to "habitant", a French term from the early part of
> the century and before. Quebec farmers were called "habitants".
> "Habs" was then used to refer to the French team members of the Montreal
> Canadiens hockey club. From what I've seen, the H in the Canadiens'
> logo is not for "habitant" but part of "Club de Hockey Canadien", the
> official name of the team from 1917 on, after it was changed from
> Canadian Athletic Club, the original name in 1909.
> --
> Tim Harrison
> Network Engineer
> harrison_at_timharrison.com
> http://www.networklevel.com/
Brian Roth - System Administrator
www.webwirz.com - Old Computer Repository
Preoccupation is my main occupation.....
Received on Sun May 06 2001 - 13:27:32 BST