>Anyone know where I can get technical docs for this thing? I have a
>couple of programming manuals, but I would like stuff like service manuals
>and hardware configuration guides.
I have several binders full of what I guess are service manuals -
complete schematics and take-apart/installation guides, that sort of
stuff. I don't know where they all are at the moment, but if you send
me the model numbers for what you need I'll dig around and see if I
have them. They are VERY large so photocopies would probably be
difficult(guess I'll have to go see how much so and how expensive),
but I do have a few extras for a few things(I think I have three sets
for one of the hard drives). It'll take me a while to dig through
everything though.
Don't expect to find anything online... There is a very limited
amount of what appears to be sales info and basic specs on one of
IBM's web sites, but I don't have it bookmarked right now.
BTW, if anyone has a spare working 120v hard drive, I need one! I'd
also love to get ahold of some software(like an OS?!). I think I have
a 4956-K00 CPU(haven't looked at it in a while).
| http://jrollins.tripod.com/ |
| KD7BCY kd7bcy_at_teleport.com |
Received on Mon May 07 2001 - 22:45:57 BST