How many transistors in the 6502 processor?

From: John Honniball <>
Date: Tue May 8 07:11:26 2001

On Fri, 4 May 2001 18:48:40 +0100 (BST) Tony Duell
<> wrote:
> Didn't some of the early
> Japanese home computers have 6809-like CPUs in them?

Yes, they did. According to Byte magazine, May 1982, the
Canon CX-1 had a 6809, and so did the Hitachi MB-6890. The
Fujitsu FM-8 had two 6809s and a 4-bit 8841, whatever that

Wasn't there an SWTPC machine with a 6809 in it? And I
seem to recall a rather odd thing called the "Positron"
that had a 6809, Prestel/Teletext graphics and an MMU for

> And it turns up in embedded control systems -- a PLC
> that I fell over in my workshop today (seriously) has a 6809 CPU on the
> mainboard.

My Stag EPROM programmer has one, too. But my Tektronix
833 Data Comms Tester has a 6800.

John Honniball
University of the West of England
Received on Tue May 08 2001 - 07:11:26 BST

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