John Allain skrev:
>Since McI's were being discussed.
>I picked up what I thought was a 10bT adaptor
>for Mac this weekend. It fits the quadra and had
>an RJ45, but... It's marked 'Dayna EasyNet'.
>Could this be right? Thought it would/should be
>an Apple product, being such a basic need.
?h? I don't understand what you're getting at. Granted, Apple made Ethernet
adaptors too, but that didn't prevent several other companies from
specialising in that business, just like others specialised in graphic cards.
Unless... you're thinking of an AAUI transceiver. In that case, there are
several explanations; 1) there was a need for such transceivers, and 2) some
third-party cards used AAUI as well, and it wouldn't look good if it came with
an Apple transceiver, would it?
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
"It is easier to port a shell than a shell script."
--Larry Wall
Received on Fri May 11 2001 - 23:34:32 BST