From: joe <>
Date: Sat May 12 13:45:07 2001


At 02:14 PM 5/12/01 -0400, you wrote:
>From: joe <>
> >the same kind of errors that you're getting. I've tried Teledisk with
> >least 50 different disks (most KNOWN good) and at least 6 different data
> >formats but the ONLY thing it will copy is MS_DOS disks. I've given up
> >it. I've already tried everything that everyone has suggested and I'm
>What your havent tried is differnt controllers and different drives.

      I have tried it with two 1.2Mb drives and one 360k drive. I haven't
changed the controller since my video card, HD controller and ports are all
on the same card. I would have to rebuild the system to replace that card.

>I found an old 486 or 386 machine to be less troublesome and also
>has fewer preconceived notions of the world. Also I ran dos not
>windows(any version)!

      Absolutely! I run everything that I can in DOS mode. Also I'm using
a 486-100. FWIW I've run lots of other weird file conversion SW should
as the HP LIF utilities with no problems. I also used a lot of odd
interfaces (on occasion) in it and I've had no problem with them.

      I have a couple more old PCs laying around for parts. I need to try
Teledisk on them but I'm so discusted with it that I haven't bothered.

>I was able to make Venix disks for my Pro many years ago and also
>OS278 (also rx50). What I had to do however was to play with the
>jumpers on a TEAC FD55GFV (the verseion with many jumpers)
>to lock out the 1.2mb mode.
>I may add My experience is with the older (must be at least 6 years old)
>copy of the freeware version of teledisk not the full bore commercial.
Received on Sat May 12 2001 - 13:45:07 BST

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