ID this Intel Power Supply

From: joe <>
Date: Mon May 14 09:28:52 2001

     I went scrounging this weekend and found an Intel power supply. It's
a stand alone uinit that runs on 115 or 230 volts AC and it has two output
connectors. They look like Molex connectors but they're bigger than the
ones used in the PCs. Each connector has nine pins and puts out 5 VDC_at_8A
and + & - 12 VDC _at_ .5 A. The box is about a foot long and 6 inches wide and
about 5 inches tall. The ends are white and the sides and top are made of
perforated metal painted black. The Intel part number is
108399-003. Does anyone know what this is for?

Received on Mon May 14 2001 - 09:28:52 BST

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