Vintageness ( was Re: Serious Request For Moderation (On

From: Jeffrey S. Sharp <>
Date: Mon May 14 12:26:02 2001

I also have had a book experience that relates to this thread. I
recently toured the History of Science Collection at the Univ. of OK,
and I saw some very cool books there. The highlight of the tour was,
when in the vault where the older stuff was kept, I was shown an
early printing of Galileo's book. To my surprise, the curator opened
the book, and on the first page was the writer's signature! Though
that thorougly amazed me, it got even better. The book before me was
Galileo's *personal* copy, complete with notes in the margins written
by Galileo's hand. If you tell me that that the awe I felt was
unfounded, then you must have some screws loose.

Honestly, Iggy, it seems like you like to create conflict for the
sheer fun of it.

Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Mon May 14 2001 - 12:26:02 BST

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