Quoting David Findlay <david_j_findlay_at_yahoo.com.au>:
> I am a new member of the list in digest mode. I have read quite a
> bit about the early homebrew computer club days and processor
> techniques. I am currently designing my own computer
Cool. I want to do that someday. A friend and I have been toying
with the idea of building a computer out of relays.
> and want to come up with a easy cheap method of mass storage. I
> have been thinking about hacking a tape recorder's read/write/
> erase heads and support equipment into my computer. I would just
> make a small modem thing to turn my data to sound and record it
> on the tape.
Sounds good to me; lots of micros used cassette tapes for storage.
I've never done it myself, so I'm not of much help I guess :-).
But it *has* been done, so you should be able to do it.
Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Tue May 15 2001 - 21:14:58 BST