destinking the computers.

From: McFadden, Mike <>
Date: Thu May 17 13:38:35 2001

Slightly OT.
Yesterday I listened to a National Public Radio, NPR, segment on people who
clean up crime/medical scenes. An example was a person who died in their
bathroom and wasn't found for 1 month. They talked about odor removal, they
use active enzymes to remove any organic remains. They wore tyvec suits,
respirators, double gloves, boots and goggles. Basically they tore out the
sheetrock, tile and carpet because the blood and body fluids seep
everywhere. Lots of problems with maggots. Company's name was Bioclean.
Two ladies with strong stomachs. I'd bet they could destink a computer.

Morbid humor on, no offense intended, may not be humorous
Probably could clean up after suicidal Microsoft windows programmer.
Back to normal

Received on Thu May 17 2001 - 13:38:35 BST

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