On May 17, 16:43, John Honniball wrote:
> I've checked my "System 74 Designer's Manual", and it's
I no longer have my really old Texas TTL data books -- the oldest I have is
1982 -- but didn't one of th eold ones have a short chapter describing the
evolution of TTL, S and H series, and LS? I thought it might have dates.
> But an oddity did show up: the chip pinouts sometimes
> differ between ordinary 74 TTL and the 74H version. A 7401
> has a completely different pinout from a 74H01, for
> instance. And a 7454 has one less input than a 74H54 (it's
> an AND-OR-INVERT chip). I hadn't spotted that before.
Yes, a common pitfall. I got bitten by that :-) And the 74150 has the
same number and arrangement of pins as the 74ALS150, but one is 0.6" wide
and the other is 0.3" wide!
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Thu May 17 2001 - 14:00:20 BST