> >Maybe I should specify my question ... I need to know
> >at what date these chips where at first available -
> >not just the era. A good single IC to use could be the
> >74181 ALU.
> Around 71. Then the H, S, LS, ALS and F parts.
> >> I have a 74 TTL design guide at home, so I'll check it too.
> >The oldest datasheet I could find says Dec 1972 for the 74S181
> Sounds close to right. The S however was later the basic 74181
> was first. Infact the July 1972 issue of Ham Radio Has a supplier
> selling the 74181 for $4.50!!
Well, that's _pretty_ cheap ... even considering the higher
monetary value back than.
Now, new serches found a 1968 Siemens data book with cross reference
from Siemens numbers to TI numbers (FLH 101 -> 7400 The system was
quite logical and described the basic function) for low scale ICs
(no '181 in this book), and another data book from 1970 with a
reference to the '181 - so if Siemens offers already a cross reference,
the chip must be around at least some time...
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Fri May 18 2001 - 13:01:40 BST