On 18 May, Eric Dittman wrote:
> PDP-11/53 [....] RQDX3 and RD54
> So, does any here have a source for bootable ROMs
> for this CPU?
An interrim solution is to use an other computer with a scriptable
terminal emulator like kermit or minicoma as console. With this setup
you can run a script that feeds an bootstrap code via ODT into RAM. I
own a PDP11/73 with MSCP ESDI adapter + 150MB disk, TK50, DELQA, DHV11
and 4MB RAM but no boot ROM card. I use a minicom script to boot
2.11BSD. This works fine. Bootstraps can be found on various sites on
the net, convertig it to a script is just a bit of sed/awk. Or ask me
for my minicon script. :-)
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz
Received on Sat May 19 2001 - 10:37:57 BST