On 20 May, Iggy Drougge wrote:
[installing NetBSD or 4.4BSD or 4.3BSD-Reno on a hp300]
> Why 4.4BSD? Does it offer any advantage over NetBSD?
It is older. ;-)
It allways depends on your needs.
- If you want a modern *ix OS, NetBSD is what you want. NetBSD is a
nice, pure and small but complete Unix. It is my faforit OS.
- If you want the OS this machine was build with, HP-UX is wat you
want. HP-UX is a bit, hmm? I don't like it that much.
- If you are interrested in the history of software, und / or you are
a BSD Unix geek like me, some old 4.x BSD is what you want. I have
several (ca. 30) *ix machines around here, most of them running
NetBSD. So it is very interresting to work with some historic BSD
releases on machines of the same vintage to see how things evolved.
An other reason could be that NetBSD (1.5) got a bit "bloated" and it
does not run that fast on a slower machine like a MicroVAX II or
hp320. But that does'nt bother you if you own a hp380.
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz
Received on Sun May 20 2001 - 04:04:26 BST