Pete Turnbull skrev:
>On May 20, 8:26, John Foust wrote:
>> At 11:19 PM 5/19/01 -0400, Claude.W wrote:
>> >I grew up using Commodore equipement at home.
>> >1 Sun Mouse (what was that doing in there?)
>> I seem to remember that a Sun mouse was quite similar
>> to an Amiga mouse. In particular, the ones that required
>> a reflective mouse pad were quite fashionable.
>Are you sure? AFAIK, all Amiga mice are dumb quadrature mice with two
If you'd ever dare take away my third button, I'd make the rest of your life
very short and painful, Peter. =)
> and their interface consists of 5V power, ground, four quadrature
>signals (2 for X and 2 for Y) and two button signals.
Pin 5 takes a third button if you have one. Many mice do.
>A Sun mouse has a
>proprietary encoded interface that uses three (or four?) wires. I suppose
>you could rig one up to a serial port, if you wrote a suitable driver
>(might also need a level translator).
Now, there's a funny project: removing all the encoding circuitry and rewiring
the Sun mouse in order to make it an Amiga compatible quadrature mouse!
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Die Malerei ist stumme Poesie, die Poesie blinde Malerei.
--- Leonardo da Vinci
Received on Sun May 20 2001 - 21:26:51 BST