Saved from garbage truck : TRS80 Model II & disk system! Now keyboard and boot disk/software anyone?

From: Claude.W <>
Date: Sun May 20 21:40:33 2001

This is a lucky week for me. After the carload/motherload of Commodore stuff
for $10 now this Model II working with Disk System!

Spotted by a friend on the side of the street.

Advised owner I would pass by and pick it up. I did. It works and quite
restorable : no cracks, major missing parts or evidence someone played in

I am in need of boot disks and software to try it out.

It had one 8" disk in the computer drive and I get a BOOT ERROR TK message
after the computer tries to boot (?) a solenoid seems to bring the head in
close proxymity of the floppy twice after drive goes to outoor most
track...and then I get the message. I suspect the disks in the drive is not
a boot disk, disk bad or a floppy problem...

Head was not moving so I moved the head stepper motor with power off. Step
motor moved back to outside track at boot attempt. So that motor works...

Disk says ACCOUNTS PAYABLE LABELS. Who knows if this should boot......

I am in need of a boot disk and a few software would be nice...

I have also no keyboard. Does anyone know if a keyboard for a Model TRS80
model 2000 will work on this? I have one of those...

I plenty to offer in trade or thank you gift. See trade list on my crappy
web site...ask, I have more...

Thanks for the help
Received on Sun May 20 2001 - 21:40:33 BST

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