> On May 21, 14:04, Hans Franke wrote:
> > > http://computer_collector.tripod.com
> > Maybe a nice page, but hard to get there ... The Domain name is
> > invalid, so I can't resolve it and get your page.
> I've had this problem with Claude's pages before (and some others). I even
> mailed him about it a while ago. However, I worked out that the
> alternative is
> http://members.tripod.com/computer_collector/
> (the underscore is legal in the directory name, just not in the domain name
> or hostname).
Thank you very much Pete.
I was already so into bitch mode that I completely forgot
to look for a work around.
I's just that I have a problem to belive that someone invests
a lot of work into webpages (or whatever) and then uses tools
(and/or names) which again cut of most of the audience. I had
a similar discusion with someone who did a collectors list
using MS rubbish ... a simple 1 page table extended to several
hundreds K of HTMLish junk - A list which could have been easy
maintained in Notepad. I tried to show some ways to reduce it
by a factor of 3 to 10 without loosing the fancy formating -
only to her 'and where's the difference ? It looks like before'.
(This is not ment as a reference to Claude his pages are sleak
- slim build and even with Lynx accessable)
I guess I should take it less personal ...
P.S.: The example about the page size is true ... there is a
generation of collectors ahead who don't know anything
about the ideas behind the prety plasic boxes.
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Mon May 21 2001 - 13:36:29 BST