Well, I haven't decided on a site to host this yet but it sits here
http://www.wzrd.com/homeb/jroth/wirzhome/webwirz.htm temporarily. I may just decide to leave it on Yahoo. Let me know what you think. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel with these pages so I am basically just going to concentrate on my personal collection. I welcome any ideas on how to improve the site or something you might like to see.
Its a little unpolished and very incomplete but that will hopefully change with weekly improvements. I should have the domain in someones DNS in a couple of weeks so you'll be able to access it as webwirz.com. I want to add a phpbb message board in the future but that will depend on the host having Php and Mysql available.
Please note that nothing in my equipment listing is for sale but I do trade occaisionally for things I'm looking for.
Brian Roth
Network Services
First Niagara Bank
(716) 625-7500 X2186
Received on Tue May 22 2001 - 09:43:55 BST