On Wed, 23 May 2001 08:23:36 -0400 "Jonathan Engdahl"
<engdahl_at_cle.ab.com> writes:
> I didn't realize that they had ever shipped the chip. I have a set of
> manuals, probably early. There seemed to be a lot of holes in the
> architecture -- things that weren't explained, or perhaps had not
> yet been figured out. I wanted to get my hands on one a long time ago,
> but they dropped it before I ever saw the possibility of geting a chip.
> I never did figure out how they implemented their garbage collection.
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
Well that certainly explains why the chip never saw the light of day;
Bill G. must have stomped all over this one. Porting Windows to it
would have proved impossible, since pretty much the entire Windows
system is 'garbage'. :^>
Sorry guys, couldn't resist . . .
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Received on Wed May 23 2001 - 09:13:08 BST