On Wed, 23 May 2001, John Foust wrote:
> At 07:32 PM 5/22/01 -0700, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> >Like selecting multiple items, then dragging and dropping them. Well,
> >it's easier at least. Otherwise, I can do everything faster in a command
> >line.
> OK, let's race. I think it's easy to think of counter-examples,
> even though I'm a fan of command-line power in the right situation.
> Given a folder full of 100 documents with long, human-friendly
> filenames with no relevant pattern involving strings of characters
> or dates, delete a given random set of 50 of those files. I'll use
> any windowing system, you'll use 'del' or 'rm'. I think an extended
> select (via CTRL) and a drag to the trash would win on either Mac or
> Windows, don't you?
Uh, yeah, John. Why don't you read my quote above again and make the call
BUT, consider that with a mouse, or even by using the arrow keys (wouldn't
that be cheating though?) you still have to seek the filaname visually.
With a properly powerful command line, you don't (see below).
> While 'rm' might have an interactive "yes/no" option, which other
> command-line tools have it? Sure, you can write anything in a
> script...
With automatic filename expansion with the TAB key like in the BASH shell
in Linux, the process is much quicker.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Wed May 23 2001 - 11:32:16 BST