Wanted: iAPX-432

From: Dave McGuire <mcguire_at_neurotica.com>
Date: Wed May 23 23:11:09 2001

On May 23, Jim Battle wrote:
> >Yes. Was slow too ;-)
> Hey, now. I've actually used an i860. A 3D graphics terminal I worked on
> in 91-93 used two: one for the control processor, one for the geometry unit

  Yeahh...the '860 is one hell of a number cruncher.

  Another place to find '860 chips is in SGI hardware. The
RealityEngine video system uses eight i860s, and the RealityEngine^2
uses twelve of them. In each case they're used for geometric

> I agree, intel has one butt-ugly architecture with the x86, but nobody in
> their right minds can fault them for succeeding despite that. Given the
> fact that they must live with the ugliness, their implementations are first
> rate.

  ...and what blows my mind is the fact that, of all of their
architectures, the one most unbelievably disgusting one is the one
they keep selling buttloads of.

            -Dave McGuire
Received on Wed May 23 2001 - 23:11:09 BST

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