On Wed, 23 May 2001 23:21:42 EDT Glenatacme_at_aol.com wrote:
> One of these was in the middle of a big bunch of junk at the shop. Looks
> like it's got two 5 MB hard drives inside. A large-diameter cable is
> attached; evidently this connects to the "receiver" card in a PC.
Is this the IBM PC "Expansion Chassis"? If it is, I have
one here, attached to a PC. The PC has two floppy disks,
EGA card, and memory expnaion, while the expansion chassis
has two hard disks and the controler.
> This may be distasteful, but I'm thinking of putting it on Ebay. Has anyone
> ever seen one of these sell before? If so, for how much???
I bought the whole PC, with expansion chassis, keyboard and
EGA screen for ten pounds, about eight years ago. Ten quid
would be worth about $15 now? Of course, that was before
John Honniball
Email: John.Honniball_at_uwe.ac.uk
University of the West of England
Received on Thu May 24 2001 - 05:17:38 BST