From: Peter Joules <>
Date: Thu May 24 18:42:11 2001

On Fri, 25 May 2001, you wrote:
> Alan Pearson skrev:
> >> Besides, the UK doesn't seem all that well off according
> >> to what I've read.
> >Can't comment on the electrical aspects of this, but
> >you're bang-on if you mean we're not very well off
> >when it comes to finding classic computers :-)
> Oh, go to hell, you don't fool me. I've read all about your schools laying off
> their Acorns.

The prblem with school equipment is the disposals policy. As they are bought
with public money the requirements for disposal are very strict. In my area
the policy is:

1) Offer to other departments
2) Offer to other schools
3) Offer to other local authority departments
4) Offer to charitable institutions
5) Offer to staff

Trying to raise money at, and documenting, each stage. as a result they susally
go straight to:

6) chuck them in the skip.

This avoids all of the administrative costs involved in the procedure. It is
generally considered more than anyone's job is worth to by pass the procedure
and let someone else have them :(

Received on Thu May 24 2001 - 18:42:11 BST

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