Digital AXP 150 questions-

From: Greg Linder <>
Date: Sun May 27 17:54:07 2001

        I picked up two Digital DECpc AXP150's from a buddy. He pulled the
ram, but they still have everything else. I pulled some old simms from
some other dumpseter trips, but can't seem to get anything to come
up. When I power them on, the LED indicators either tell me there is
problem in RAM bank one, or else all LED's on when I power it on with no
RAM in it. Does anyone have any of these things in an operating state? Can
anyone offer any advise on gettin these up? I have always wanted an Alpha
to run VMS on, and I think these will do it. Any advise? Thank you very

                Greg Linder
Received on Sun May 27 2001 - 17:54:07 BST

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