New HD disks not working in 1541?

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Wed May 30 14:26:42 2001

On May 30, 11:02, Gene Buckle wrote:

> I don't ever recall seeing a HD disk with a hub ring. The only ones that
> have them in my experience is the SD or DD disks.

Oh, I've seen quite a few HD disks with hub rings. But most of the disks
I've seen with hub rings have been relatively recent DD/SD.

However, the reason I menmtioned it was that the 1541 owner insisted that
she needed DD disks *because they had hub rings*, not because they are the
correct coercivity; in fact she said she'd used a few HD disks but the lack
of hub rings on some of them caused them not to work. So told her she was
using the right disks (DD) but for the wrong reason.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Wed May 30 2001 - 14:26:42 BST

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