Apple Turnover?(OT long, boring, maybe humor)

From: Davison, Lee <>
Date: Thu May 31 18:12:06 2001

Ho humm....

        -----Original Message-----
        From: McFadden, Mike []
        Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 5:07 PM
        To: ''
        Subject: Re: Apple Turnover?(OT long, boring, maybe humor)

        Little know facts about apple turnovers.


        to be turned over. The only successful installation is in the
        Space Station where gravity is not a factor so the apple will turn
over due
        to convection currents in the air flow. That's where the term

Err .. no gravity = no convection. This brought to mind some show I was
watching about Space Shuttle. The narator said ..

"The astronaughts don't sleep lying down because in orbit there is no
They sleep standing up."



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