OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa?

From: Chris <mythtech_at_Mac.com>
Date: Sat Nov 17 22:29:33 2001

> as long as you have a real computer nearby


>What's the use of a Mac of that vintage (ie, old and slow but not

The list goes on and on. Check www.lowendmac.com for some pointers... but
basically, it can do pretty much everything a "regular" home user would
want. Internet, basic office work, graphics, games (albeit, if you want
REAL gaming, buy a console or a "toy" computer that uses Windows).

>I have a Centris 660av that I use for testing web pages on
>older macintosh versions of Netscape and MSIE.

The 660AV will also allow you to do video in/out, and some video editing
(with the right software).


Received on Sat Nov 17 2001 - 22:29:33 GMT

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