Intel C8080A chip brings $565 on EBAY

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Mon Nov 19 00:55:35 2001

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, John Galt wrote:

> "Clueless and greedy" people? Hmmm. I might be "clueless" (some here
> have proclaimed me an idiot) but I do not consider myself "greedy".
> The C8080A bid went that high because two collectors wanted it and
> there was only one available. There was no "greed" involved.

Dude, chill. Why are you so defensive about this? If you think
collecting CPUs is a thrilling and worthwhile hobby then more power to
you. Why do you seem to need external validation? Everyone has an
opinion about everything. If you're happy with what you're doing then go
with it.

> My intent was to demonstrate that you guys should come off that stash
> of old chips you have squireled away. They are not doing you any good
> and there is a community of chip collectors who would love to get
> their hands on them.

What good will they do collectors? Sit there and look pretty? I think
that most collectors here would rather hang on to their chips in case they
are needed some day.

> But then, they are not here at the moment and I am, so I am more than
> willing to "distribute" them to legitimate collectors for you. In
> otherwords, I am willing to be the "middleman". I buy the chips from
> you (for more than you think they are worth) and I then put them in
> the hands of legitmate chip collectors.

Most of us here know how to use eBay too.

> Besides, why do you need a C8080A when a P8080A will work just as
> well? I can get those for $5.

Why do you need a C8080A? To complete your Beanie set?

> In reality, most of the chips you might need can be obtained at very
> reasonable prices or by simply trading one of us a chip we do not
> already have.

Or by visiting one of the numerous electronics surplus shops throughout
the country.

Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 00:55:35 GMT

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