Intel C8080A chip brings $565 on EBAY

From: John Foust <>
Date: Mon Nov 19 08:32:46 2001

At 09:17 PM 11/18/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Better yet, give me all those old "worthless" purple C8080A's you have
>laying around. I'll give you
>$1 ea. for them so you won't feel like you're taking advantage of an

No, these complainers about the free market's prices
are just sad that their warehouse is full of junk that
doesn't fetch high prices.

I can't believe that any nerd on this mailing list would
denigrate a chip collector. It's like the original Swiftian
little-endian versus big-endian argument. But then again,
maybe I think this way only because if I'm going to junk
a piece of unusable computer equipment, or if I discover
an unrecoverable wreck, I'll always yank the interesting chips.

On the other hand, wearing a name tag that says "John Galt"
in a room full of techies is an unpardonably cheesy offense.

- John
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 08:32:46 GMT

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