OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa?

From: Carlos Murillo <cmurillo_at_emtelsa.multi.net.co>
Date: Mon Nov 19 13:12:06 2001

At 11:19 AM 11/19/01 -0700, Dick wrote:
>I'm concerned mainly about Win9x. There were numerous backup packages that
>worked VERY well under [DOS6.22/Win3.11]. Since the release of Win9x, I've
>bought several backup packages, and a couple of releases of each, yet not
>one that even barely worked on any sort of consistent basis.

Retrospect works nicely. And, it is very easy to set remote
backups in a mixed wintel/mac installation, as long as each
machine has its own static IP. It doesn't work as well using Winblows
sharing. Even transitorially connected devices such as laptops
can be remote backed-up using Retrospect.

>An OS without a real backup utility is of little use because you have to have
>backup ... not just copies of things, but a real backup, context and all,
>enables you to get back to where you were. DOS didn't have that, UNIX
>have it (though it does have TAR, which makes copies to tape), OS/2
doesn't have
>it, LINUX doesn't have it ... I don't know what a guy's to do. I guess
>image-copying the disk to tape, empty space and all, is the only solution.
>course that means the files are replaceable only on an all or nothing basis.
>^%$#_at_! ... what a bunch of crap!

Well, HPUX has Ignite-UX, which has lots of possibilities. It is free.
But I doubt most people need such heavy artillery.


Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez carlos_murillo_at_nospammers.ieee.org
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 13:12:06 GMT

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