Well, I hope it's documented. At least there's a NETSCRAPE for DUMMIES book I
can give someone for Christmas. How difficult is it to learn this iCab? I
don't want to have to learn it in order to teach someone else. Is it pretty
intuitive? (that way I can answer questions on the phone and have some chance
of guessing right.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <mythtech_at_Mac.com>
To: "Classic Computer" <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa?
> >I've drawn the conclusion that the only real memory-hog is the Netscape
> >browser.
> >A couple of folks have advised me to install a 32MB simm for that purpose
> >alone.
> >It would certainly be a shame to make the system buckle when browsing just
> >because it lacks RAM.
> I would give iCab a try (www.icab.de), it is free, and works extremely
> well. It uses way less RAM than Netscape, so it should work with just 8mb
> installed (4mb might be tight). I am running the latest version right now
> and it is taking up just 2.9mb of RAM.
> It is also faster and more stable than Netscape in my experience... and
> it is actively under development even for the 68k version, something you
> won't get with Netscape (the 68k version is dead in the water for
> Netscape).
> -chris
> <http://www.mythtech.net>
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 15:33:42 GMT