Located another dealer (Mike Hancock) of old computer parts in S.
Central Texas, this one in San Antonio. This is of interest to me, because
this is where SwRI's cast-offs go, so there is likely to be some *unique*
equipment there.
I think he has the same general M.O. as the previous place I found;
that is to say, he gets a *lot* of stuff, filters out and saves what he
thinks he can sell, then scraps the rest. I have not seen his warehouse.
Have we developed a clear, easy-to-use "wanted" list or website for
this group? It'd be neat to be able to hand this guy (Mike Hancock) or
other dealers the list or URL, and tell them if they see something on the
list, save it, it's worth $xxx.
Could we set up a database/bid deal, where anyone can add to the
list of "want" items, and what they'd pay for it?
- Mark
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 17:14:35 GMT