They may not know but I'm sure it's soon to be a subject as the Atari is
close to the advent of the home peecee and all they have to do is get a few
people bringing the stuff in. Most of you already know that the machines
that many of you have aren't just classics over 10 yrs old but bonafide
antiques per the 20 yr rule too.
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> []On Behalf Of Claude.W
-> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:10 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Slightly OT: Atari 2600s game collecting on "Antiques Road
-> Show" on PBS TV
-> Its not computer collecting on TV but very close...
-> I tune in to PBS antiques road show (that TV show that goes around US and
-> Canada towns and people bring their antiques to get them
-> evaluated and info
-> on them...) tonight and there was a short (2 mins?) segment on Atari 2600
-> cart collecting and they showed some examples of sought after carts...and
-> some "values"...explaining this was very "hot collectibles"
-> Do they know about computer collecting also?
-> Claude
Received on Mon Nov 19 2001 - 23:01:27 GMT